Quantum Shamanic Sound Bath with Ark

Join Omega Hub at TOSH for a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating Sound Bath, combined with powerful Shamanic and other energy healing - with a bespoke individual healing within a group setting.

Quantum Shamanic Sound Bath with Ark

Join Omega Hub at TOSH for a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating Sound Bath, combined with powerful Shamanic and other energy healing - with a bespoke individual healing within a group setting.
Event description
What to expect at this Quantum  Shamanic Sound Bath session:
  1. We will start our session with Breathwork/Pranayama to clear the mind.
  2. Followed by a group Sound bath session with Tibetan Singing Bowls, Ocean Drums and Koshi Chimes.
  3. You’ll also be receiving an individual Sound Healing with 7 different bowls with key frequencies resonating vibrations with your individual energy centres or chakras.
  4. You’ll be receiving individual  Shamanic Healing using Sage and other shamanic tools.
  5. You’ll love the physical vibration of the individual Tibetan Bowl massage, where the Tibetan bowls are intuitively selected for your specific chakra/s.
  6. You’ll receive an individual Crystal Healing to help clear any blocked energies while balancing the Chakras.
  7. This includes special Crystal Reiki using a sacred Geometry grid that will help you dive deeper into the journey while we prepare to take you through another layer of healing. This focused on manifestations of our intentions. We’ll place the Reiki-charged Crystal from the grid on your body so that you can continue to work with it and integrate the healing received.
  8. As you lay grounded with crystals, you’ll love diving deeper with the vibration of the Koshi Chimes.
  9. We will conclude the session with individual powerful Reiki and 5D energy healing.
  10. You will receive an individual aura cleanse with a 528 Hz tuning fork, which is used for DNA repair.
  11. Finally, you will experience acoustic Binaural beats of 111 Hz which are created by combining the frequencies of the two forks. 111 Hz has been found in caves and ancient temples around the World. It creates a bright and uplifting feeling.

How is the Shamanic Healing carried out?

The Shamanic Quantum Sound Bath includes smudging, hands-on healing, divination, crystal therapy, sound healing, journeying, energy extractions, balancing, etc.

There is a myriad of tools from Nature that are used – stones, rattles, pendulums, the chakapa, feathers, and even plant essences. The aim is to bring about deep healing of mind, spirit, and body as well as restoration of personal power. This is unlike any other Sound bath you may have ever experienced because there’s so much individual healing you’ll receive whilst enjoying the group Gong bath session.

What to bring with you.

Please bring with you a Yoga mat, sofa cushions & pillow (as you’ll be lying down for a while) blanket/s and an eye mask (optional). We also recommend bringing warm clothing and a bottle of water. Please avoid any alcohol 24 hours before the session.

Session duration:

2 – 2.5 hours depending on the group size, please arrive 10 minutes before the session starts.

• Heart conditions (pacemakers)
• Epilepsy
• Metal bolts or screws within the body
• First trimester of pregnancy

January 27, 2024 11:00 AM

TOSH, Gladstone Road, Boscombe BH7 6BG

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