CoCreate Theatre group is comprised of people with lived experience of mental illness, and poor mental health. Together they’ve been working on a short ‘Forum Theatre’ performance that they’d like to share with other groups with similar lived experiences.
What is the play about?
‘Did Not Attend’ is a play about the reasons people with poor mental health might miss NHS appointments, and then discovering ideas together for what might change to improve this.
Forum Theatre is a form of theatre where the actors play out a story where a character faces a difficulty or challenge, and then the audience suggest different ways the play could go. We see the play twice; the first time the audience watch the story, the second time they can stop the action and suggest different ways the actors might react to try and improve the outcome.
This play will focus on some of the reasons we think NHS appointments get missed, and then with the audience we’ll try and discover some ways things could improve together.
Why is this happening?
‘Did Not Attend’ is an active and creative way to find out what people affected by the issues think; by sharing the performance, and talking about the issues it raises with people it affects, we hope we can really understand the barriers, and contribute to improving access to healthcare.
Using your feedback and ideas, a report will be created and shared with Community Action Network and Public Health Dorset.
FREE Refreshments, supportive discussion in a safe space.
TOSH, Gladstone Mews, Gladstone Road, BH7 6BG